Jogmaya Tea Estate, Kurseong, Darjeeling.

Jogmaya Tea Estate, Kurseong, Darjeeling.

This Darjeeling tea garden was established in the year 1881 and ever since has been under the management and ownership of the Shaw Family. The fourth generation of the Shaw family presently manages this tea garden.

Location of Jogmaya Tea Estate

Jogmaya Tea Garden is located on the gentle slopes of Kurseong valley which is at a distance of 4 kilometers from Kurseong town. The chinary tea bushes along with some clonal varietals in this garden are grown at an elevation from 4500 feet to 5200 feet from sea level. The tea bushes are planted in an area of 94 hectares out of the total 115 hectares of the garden area.

Other notable Darjeeling tea gardens nearby are

  1. Castleton Tea Estate,
  2. Sivitar Tea Estate and
  3. Giddapahar Tea Estate.

Darjeeling Teas of Jogmaya Tea Estate

Jogmaya tea estate is known for its exquisite and characteristic Darjeeling teas grown from the century old china bushes. Its first flush teas from china bushes are most famous and much sought after. This tea from the spring season has a light yellowish liquor, is slightly astringent and mellow to taste, which is the characteristics of an excellent Darjeeling tea.

Jogmaya Tea FTG FOP Special 

This garden also produces exquisite hand-rolled white teas mostly from its AV2 clonal cultivars. These white teas are named Giddapahar Clonal Tips have a floral and smooth taste and are much sought after by tea lovers around the globe. On average, this tea garden produces 30,000kg of Darjeeling teas annually from its 94 hectares of cultivable land.

Certification Of This Garden:

Jogmaya Tea Estate, which is located in the land of white orchid (Kurseong), is certified as an ISO:9001 and ISO:21000 company.

Postal Address of Jogmaya Tea Estate
Jogmaya Tea Estate
P.O: Kurseong
District: Darjeeling
West Bengal – 734203

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