Darjeeling Green Tea

Best Organic Darjeeling Green Teas – Pure Organic And Fresh

Darjeeling Green Teas are considered one of the best green tea resources because of their high altitude plantations, the organic growth, and the freshness that they have which sums up together as a complete package for all-around health benefits.

As it is proved by all scientific research that Green teas are packed with a whole host of health benefits. Darjeeling green teas are produced in Darjeeling Tea Garden and delivered globally keeping in mind the health benefits that this tea is capable of providing to its consumers.

Health Benefits of Green tea

Some of the benefits associated with drinking organic greens teas such as the Darjeeling green teas are :

  1. Increases your metabolism thereby aiding weight loss.
  2. Increases energy, most suitable for distance runners and athletes, as green teas, help them exercise for a longer period of time.
  3. Blocks fat absorption (again one of the properties required for losing weight).
  4. Boosts the immune system (fights to a certain extent common colds and flu and aids in quicker healing of the wounds).
  5. Promotes healthier skin.
  6. Enhances focus and mental function.
  7. Fights the aging process.
  8. Promotes oral health.
  9. Protects the body against diseases.

Buy Best Darjeeling Green Tea

Green Tea (Varieties, Health Benefits, Steeping)

Green Tea is arguably the common most tea in many homes today. Due to the growing understanding of the health benefits associated with tea, green tea has grown in popularity. There are different types of green tea on the market but before we delve into that, it’s important to note that this tea is harvested from the tea plant or Camellia Sinensis.

The method used to process green tea is different from that used to process other types of teas. Generally, green tea involves the harvesting of tea leaves which are then pan-fried or steamed soon after harvesting. This process helps prevent oxidation and thus retains the original green color while keeping the leaves pliable and soft. It should be noted that green tea does have some caffeine.

Different Types of Green Tea

There are many different types of green teas, resulting from the different methods of harvesting, country of origin, and weather patterns in the area of cultivation. The different types of green teas are likely to have different flavors.

Although green teas are harvested from the same plant, their appearance varies greatly and the results you get when brewing will also vary from one type to the other. Chestlet Tea is also popular green tea. However, there is a general consensus as far as the benefits associated with these teas are concerned. Some of the most common types of green teas :

General Health Benefits of Tea

Before discussing the different types of teas and their specific benefits, it’s important to have an in-depth look at the general benefits of tea as a whole. While each type of tea has its unique benefits, there are some advantages that are generally associated with tea and you should appreciate these regardless of what variety you select.

1. Tea Affects Your Emotions and Physical Health

A warm or hot cup of tea is always refreshing, relaxing, and comforting, especially after a long stressful day. This simply means that tea consumption has an impact on your emotional health which in turn affects or correlates with your physical health.

Tea has been found universally suitable for calming nerves and thus has been used for years as a stress reliever. Research has shown that stress is normally caused by a kind of imbalance that takes place in the stress hormones and that drinking a cup of hot or warm tea helps bring a balance to these hormones thus helping the body to relax.

It is therefore understandable that tea has the power to help in the prevention of some serious stress-related diseases including heart disease and adrenal imbalance. According to research, people who drink tea regularly during the day have a lower rate of stress and stress-related diseases. Also, research has shown tea greatly improves psychological health and prevents or relieves symptoms of depression.

2. Tea Helps in Weight Loss and Weight Management

Obesity has over the years become a major concern throughout the world especially in the United States. It is important to note that while there are many methods and tips that have been floated as “key” in fighting obesity and managing weight, tea is an essential tool that you cannot ignore.

Tea has also been found to be helpful in dealing with cases of diabetes as it helps bring stability in blood sugar levels in the body. In fact, drinking oolong tea has been identified as one of the best methods to control the effects of blood sugar associated with carbohydrates in people with type-2 diabetes.

As for weight loss and weight management, green tea has been found to be useful because of the presence of phytochemicals which contain a powerful antioxidant substance known as catechins. This substance, according to research, can help improve the body’s ability to lose belly fat if consumed between exercises.

It is also beneficial for people who might not be very active since it helps reduce the level of triglyceride. To get these benefits, it’s important to drink green tea on a daily basis.

Green tea has also been found to be good for fat metabolism in the liver, where it can also help prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits. Since it works as a detoxifier, green tea will definitely help you enjoy a youthful feel and look.

3. Tea Can Support Immunity

Green tea is helpful in boosting immunity against cold and flu symptoms. Green tea has some properties that can help you recover from colds and flu faster, and research has shown that people who frequently drink pure green tea enjoy higher immunity against related symptoms.

You can easily boost your immunity by drinking tea since it contains L-theanine which activates T-cells, which are part of your immune system and are good at fighting infections. A high concentration of this substance can be obtained from shade-grown green teas. There are also other substances found in tea including catechins or polyphenols which are very good and offer great antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

4. Tea Reduces the Risks of Chronic Diseases

Although tea is not a standalone solution against chronic diseases such as cancer, research has shown that green tea for example is very helpful in preventing cells from turning cancerous.

In addition, research has shown that drinking black and green tea helps prevent cases of prostate cancer, cancer of the blood, mouth, ovaries, breast, colon, and gastric as well. Recent research has also pointed to the benefits of black tea in reducing the risks of developing Parkinson’s disease, while green tea is helpful in slowing down its progression.

The 6 Categories of Tea

There are six primary categories of teas on the market today:

  1. Green Tea,
  2. White Tea,
  3. Black Tea,
  4. Oolong Tea,
  5. Yellow Tea,
  6. Roobois Tea, and
  7. Herbal Tea.


Green tea is unoxidized and most closely resembles the original plucked leaf—a small springtime leaf bud that contains abundant nutrients and oils sent up from the roots after a period of winter dormancy. Green tea is admired for its freshness and fleeting nature (it has a short shelf life of 6-8 months). The most prized green teas in China are referred to as pre-Qing Ming, or “before the spring festival,” which falls in early April. Green tea comes in different shapes—flat, needlelike, curled like a snail, rolled into balls, or in fine twists.

The different types of teas offer different levels of benefits and can be used to boost health and promote longevity, prevent and treat diseases, boost physical and emotional health, and sharpen the alertness of the mind.

As aforementioned, the different types of teas are highly beneficial but the level of benefits you can get from these teas is largely determined by the level of polyphenols they contain. This is true despite the fact that all these teas are harvested from the same plant.

However, each type of tea is extracted from different parts of the tea plant and the process of preparation is different, thus the distinction.

For example, black tea is lower in catechins as compared to green tea. On the other hand, green tea does not have the flavonoids known as theaflavins which are present in black tea. It is therefore important to consume different types of teas in order to benefit from all the different substances offered by each.

List of Green Teas (17 Varieties)

Green Teas 17 Varieties

Kai Hua Long Ding: — This green tea is made from very short and very thick leaves. It is grown in the Zhejian Province of China. Its flavor is flowery, sweet, refreshing, and a bit nutty.

Green Snail Spring: — This tea, also known as Pi Lo Chun, is very rare because its cultivation is done in a unique way. First, it is grown among peach, apricot, and plum trees, thus giving it the aroma of the surrounding fruit buds. The tea leaves have a snail-like appearance during rolling. Generally, the Pi Lo Chun green tea is grown in the Chinese province of Zhejian. Its flavor is fresh, sweet, and fruity.

Tian Mu Qing Ding: — This is a unique Chinese tea grown in Zhejiang province’s mountainous regions of Tian Mu, hence its name. It has delicate and fine leaves, produces a light, sweet taste, and thus it should never be over-steeped due to its imperviousness.

Gunpowder: — This green tea is very popular not only in China but also in the United States. Once processed, it has the appearance of tiny pellets which will loosen up during the brewing process. It is normally grown in China’s Zhejiang Province, although other regions are quickly embracing its cultivation.

Long Jing or Dragonwell green tea: — This is among the famous green teas in China and the most popular in the United States. It’s said that President Richard Nixon drank this tea on his trip to China. It is grown in the Chinese tea-growing region of Zhejian Province and its leaves are flat and jade-colored upon processing. It’s known for its sweet orchid-like smell.

Xin Yang Mao Jian: — This green tea has very fine and delicate leaves. It is grown in the Chinese province of Henan. In many places, it’s commonly referred to as “green tip”. Its flavor is considered sweet, refreshing, and a bit floral.

Snowy Mountain Jian: — This green tea has very long leaves. It is cultivated in high altitudes within the Chinese province of Yunnan. The processing for this green tea is generally different from that of other green teas which gives it a full body flavor that is almost similar to black teas. It is strong and pungent, yet surprisingly smooth, sweet, and floral still.

Hou Kui: — This tea also goes by the popular name “monkey tea”. It is grown among orchid trees and thus has an orchid flavor. It is normally grown in the Chinese province of Anhui. Monkey tea’s flavor can be best described as complex, yet sweet and floral.

Hyson Lucky Dragon: — This is a quality hyson green tea, from the Anhui Province of China, whose leaves come in a greenish-yellowish appearance. It has a more full-body flavor as compared to other green teas.

Ceylon green tea: — This tea, produced in Sri Lanka, is known to have a stronger and more aromatic flavor than other green teas, and is very rich in antioxidants. It’s said that it takes an acquired taste to drink Ceylon green tea as compared to traditional Japanese and Chinese green teas, because the flavor is less grassy yet bolder.

Sencha: — This Japanese green tea is highly popular. It comes in different types and qualities but is generally processed by exposing the tea leaves to direct sunlight. The flavor of this tea is determined primarily by the season in which its harvested. One of the popular types of Sencha is known as “new tea” or Shincha and is known to be the most delicious of all. It is harvested during the early quarter of the year and mostly prepared through infusion. Sencha comes in a greenish-golden color. You can modify the flavor of Sencha depending on the temperature of water in which it steeps. If you’re looking for a mellow flavor, use water that’s not as hot; but if you want it to taste more astringent, then use slightly hotter water. Its flavor is said to be rich, refreshing, and hearty similar to “steamed vegetables.”

Matcha: — This green tea is grown in the shade, and is often purchased in a powdered form. It is a common tea in the Japanese tea ceremony and is manufactured in the Japanese region of Uji. Matcha green tea is prepared early before harvesting and the tea bushes are covered to protect them from direct sunlight, causes the leaves to change into dark green, while enhancing the production of amino acids, especially L-theanine. After several weeks of covering, the finest buds are picked. The harvested leaves are then separated from each other to set aside those that are rolled out prior to the drying process. The rolled-out leaves are commonly known as gyokuro or jade dew tea, a type of green tea that will be discussed below. The leaves that are laid out will be left to dry, crumbled and then are de-stemmed, de-veined and stone grounded to come up with Matcha. It’s best described as tasting smooth, silky, and vegetable-flavored.

Kukicha: — Kukicha green tea comes from white stalks that are produced by harvesting 3 leaves and a bud. This Japanese tea tastes like chestnut and the flavor is caused by the twigs found in the tea. It is a very unusual tea, that can even be described as tasting a bit like sesame seeds.

Genmaicha Green Tea: — This Japanese green tea is also referred to as “Popcorn tea”. It falls under sencha tea but is first of all pan-fried before being blended with toasted hulled rice. During the toasting, the hulled rice will “pop’ and thus the name “popcorn tea”. Its flavor is smooth, nutty, and plant-like.

Gyokuro tea: — Gyokuro is produced from flat and pointed tea leaves and offers a smooth flavor with a light aroma. This Japanese tea is considered to be among the best green teas, tasting both sweet and bright. A few weeks before harvesting, the leaves are shielded from direct sunlight by moving them to the shade.

Houjicha tea: — Houjicha green tea is made from roasted Japanese tea leaves and this gives it a brown color. It has low caffeine levels due to the roasting process and its taste is somewhat nutty.

Bancha: — This Japanese green tea is normally harvested during the late weeks of the harvesting season. Bancha green tea leaves are normally hard and large and the stalks and stems are included during the picking process. Bancha doesn’t have a strong flavor compared to other green teas.

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